
I add a facebook badge to my ebay listings
I add a facebook badge to my ebay listings

i add a facebook badge to my ebay listings

With this, these replicas are considered legal and not counterfeit. It is even a lot easier on eBay because these replicas can be designed to look just like the original item but without the original brand name. Knowing how to sell fakes as replica items has been helping lots of online sellers. So it can be quite hard to tell the difference between manufacturer approved replicas and fake products. These official replicas really look the same as the original product but are only cheaper. In fact, it is said that eBay allows you to sell official replicas and not counterfeit items. Though it is against EBay policy, these sellers claim that these items are just replicas and this is one of the success secrets. Most times, fake shoes are sold on eBay through sponsored links and this has been happening for a long time. So you can easily set up your store on EBay and start selling your items. No one can report you to the police once they have discovered that you have sold them a replica or fake item.

i add a facebook badge to my ebay listings

You don’t need a physical store to start selling your goods to interested customers.

i add a facebook badge to my ebay listings

In the internet business, nobody knows you nobody also cares about you as long as you successfully deliver their items to them after they have paid. They don’t want fakes listed, and when they know something is a fake, it is removed, but it has to be verified or they would probably end up removing a bunch of items that are valid.īasically speaking, the best way to sell fake items on EBay without getting caught is to term and sell them as replicas. The only way anyone could achieve this is by partnering with the rights owners to have them advise when an item should not be listed.

I add a facebook badge to my ebay listings